
  • Advance Data Structures and Algorithms (503580 - Estructuras de datos y algoritmos avanzados ): 2022-II, 2023-II, 2024-II
  • Fundamentals of Data Structures and Algorithms (503638 - Fundamentos de estructuras de datos y algoritmos ): 2020-I, 2021-I, 2022-I, 2023-I
  • Programming in C (503208 - Programación I, 501203 - Programación de Computadores): 2020-II, 2021-II, 2023-II, 2024-I, 2024-II
    Teaching material (Spanish): Repository
  • Data Structures (503220 - Estructuras de datos): 2023-I, 2024-I


  1. [PhD, 2021-pending] Martita Muñoz (Co-advisor: Cecilia Hernández - UdeC and Diego Seco - University of A Coruña): Compact data structures for raster data.
  2. [PhD, 2021-pending] Alexander Irribarra (Co-advisor: Roberto Asín - Universidad Federico Santa MarĂ­a and Diego Seco - University of A Coruña): Compact data structures for combinatorial problems.

  3. [MSc, 2022-pending] Carla Soto (Co-advisor: Gonzalo Rojas, UdeC): Data visualization in compact space.
  4. [MSc, 2022-pending] Agustín Peña (Co-advisor: Diego Diaz, University of Helsinki): Computation of r-index components using induced sorting.
  5. [MSc, 2020-2021] Alexander Irribarra (Co-advisor: Diego Seco, UdeC): Improving the compact representations of planar graphs. (download - Spanish) (code)

  6. [Undergrad, 2024] Catalina Jiménez: Aplicación de DACs en reemplazo del SVDAG para el almacenamiento de datos de Voxeles en la renderización en tiempo real (download - Spanish)
  7. [Undergrad, 2024] Vicente Lermanda (Co-advisor: Juan Reutter, PUC): Sistema Graph RAG de Extracción de Información para la S.S.D.D.H.H de Chile (download - Spanish)
  8. [Undergrad, 2023] Nicolás Rojas: Compact data structures for real-time renderization using the Ray Casting method. (download - Spanish)
  9. [Undergrad, 2022] Vicente Sanhueza: Platform to measure the energy consumption of algorithms and data structures - version 2.
  10. [Undergrad, 2022] Leonardo Aravena: Study of distributed processing using compact data structures. (download - Spanish)
  11. [Undergrad, 2021-2022] Agustín Peña: Space-efficient computation of the Burrows-Wheeler Transform. (download - Spanish)
  12. [Undergrad, 2021-2022] Diego Caripán: Platform to measure the energy consumption of algorithms and data structures. (download - Spanish)
  13. [Undergrad, 2020-2021] Leonardo de la Fuente (Co-advisor: Zheng Li, UdeC): Energy consumption of data structures and algorithms. (download - Spanish) (code) (datasets and experimental results)
  14. [Undergrad, 2020-2022] Matías Mora: Implementation of a dynamic succinct tree (download - Spanish)
  15. [Undergrad, 2020] Alexander Irribarra (Advisor: Diego Seco, Co-advisor: José Fuentes, UdeC): Impact of the topology in compact representations of planar graphs. (download - Spanish)