
In this page we provide several trees. Some of them correspond to spanning trees of our datasets of graphs and others correspond to the tree representation of our datasets of balanced parenthesis sequences.

To read the datasets and create new ones, use this code.

Format of the datasets

Each dataset has the following format:

<Number of nodes>
<Source node> <Target node>
<Source node> <Target node>
<Source node> <Target node>

For each node v, the edges of v are listed in counterclockwise order, starting with the edge toward the parent of v (except to root). All the nodes are identified by an index. All the indices belongs to the range [0,n-1], where n is the number of nodes of the tree. By default, we assume that the root of the tree has index 0. Below, there is an example of the format.


Tree example


0 1
0 2
0 3
1 0
1 4
1 5
2 0
3 0
4 1
5 1

Spanning tree of planar-1M (11 MB)

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A spanning tree of the planar graph planar-1M. The tree as 1,000,000 nodes and 999,999 edges.

Spanning tree of planar-5M (56 MB)

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A spanning tree of the planar graph planar-5M. The tree as 5,000,000 nodes and 4,999,999 edges.

Spanning tree of planar-10M (114 MB)

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A spanning tree of the planar graph planar-10M. The tree as 10,000,000 nodes and 9,999,999 edges.

Spanning tree of planar-15M (176 MB)

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A spanning tree of the planar graph planar-15M. The tree as 15,000,000 nodes and 14,999,999 edges.

Spanning tree of planar-20M (237 MB)

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A spanning tree of the planar graph planar-20M. The tree as 20,000,000 nodes and 19,999,999 edges.

Spanning tree of planar-25M (300 MB)

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A spanning tree of the planar graph planar-25M. The tree as 25,000,000 nodes and 24,999,999 edges.

Spanning tree of world cities (24 MB)

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A spanning tree of the planar graph World cities. The tree as 2,243,467 nodes and 2,243,466 edges.